Strengthening communities

Latest news on the earthquake rebuild

Strengthening communities; rebuilding lives

The earthquake rebuild and retrofit work is now almost complete at about half of the 33 schools we’re supporting. The team plan to finish all construction work by early 2018 – that’s a total of 180 classrooms, plus toilet blocks and hostel rooms, at 33 schools.

The toilet blocks and water facilities are now complete at four schools, including the school at Pike (pictured).

This March, after the Nepali winter, construction and repair work will start at the remaining schools.

Howard Iseli, Programme Manager for the Himalayan Trust explains: “The schools that are yet to start construction are in very remote areas. At these remote sites, all the building materials will need to be carried in on the backs of porters along hill tracks, often many days of walking, so that building work can start in the spring.”

Means to an important end

But the school buildings are just a means to an important end. Himalayan Trust supporters are providing children with an education and helping people rebuild their lives.

Our supporters are helping build skills and jobs in communities as at each site – local construction workers receive on the job training in how to build safer structures, and local engineers are making sure the new structures comply with government building codes.

The work you’re supporting also helps strengthen communities by involving them in making decisions about the rebuild, such as this School Reconstruction Committee at Lumukarma PS (pictured).

Community ownership

Community ownership is being engaged by contribution in cash or in kind, such as portering materials and equipment, supplying local materials or labour such as breaking rocks into masonry stones or aggregate for concrete.

Thank you to everyone who supported the Nepal Earthquake Rebuild Appeal for making this work possible and helping keep children in school.

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